30 Day Practice Challenge


From February 1, 2024 through March 1, 2024, I’ll be doing a #30daypracticechallenge and I invite you to join me. I’ll be using this challenge to infuse some fun into my practice!


  1. You don’t have to post every day.

  2. If your voice needs rest, rest. There are many ways to practice without actually singing. Here are some ideas of how to practice on rest days:

    • Write in translations.

    • Try mental practice.

    • Actively listen to recordings to learn from other artists.

    • Research your piece and style.

  3. The post suggestions are for inspiration only!

Post Suggestions:

  1. A vocalize that makes you feel confident.

  2. A vocalize that is a challenge for you.

  3. A passage that makes you feel confident.

  4. A passage that is a challenge for you.

  5. Get inspiration from one of your favorite singers or recordings.

  6. Revisit a piece you worked on in the past.

  7. Make up words for a melisma.

  8. Speak text in 5 different character voices.

  9. Revisit Marchesi, Lamperti, Vaccai, or any other book of vocalizes. Or check them out if they are new to you!

  10. Check your memory by listening to a recording of yourself while looking at the sheet music. 

  11. Over the top acting! 

  12. “Bored belting” ala Mia Gerachis, but if you aren’t a belter, it’s “bored [insert style]-singing”

  13. Practice making an audition video: get dressed up, find your light, slate, use a recording for accompaniment, and maybe get some good footage? 

  14. Cross train in a style you don’t normally sing in.

  15. Meow it.

  16. Give yourself permission to think way “too much” about technique today.

  17. Sing it in the wrong style.

  18. Use a practice journal, or show the one you already use.

  19. Use a practice mantra, or share the one you already use.

  20. Use a practice timer, or share how you already use one in your practice.

  21. Share your performance inner-monologue in a voice-over.

  22. Change locations: how does it feel to sing in different places?

  23. Do SOVTEs for the whole two-to-five minutes to make Ingo Titze happy. 

  24. Car karaoke. 

  25. Work the piece starting at the end.

  26. Practice in the shoes you’ll be performing in.

  27. Dress to match the vibes of what you’re singing. 

  28. Stand, sit, lie down, do a headstand, whatever: mix it up.

  29. Use a metronome. I said it. Break that bad boy out. 

  30. Reflect on 30 days of practice.